Eagerly Serving
in the Gaps
How We Came To Be and
Where We Are Headed
What began as an attempt to restart a previously closed local church has become a thriving, collaborative non-profit work that is dedicated to fostering volunteer opportunities with life changing impact on this great community we live in.
Our executive director and urban missionary, Tim "Snow" Snowbarger, asked a simple question in January of 2018...
"Does Laramie really need another church? Or does it simply need the compassionate work of the church offered in a more practical and tangible approach to people's needs?"
In answering this question, a great sense of synergy and collaboration have emerged within Laramie's non-profits, local businesses, civic entities and faith community to mobilize individuals and resources that increase the quality of life in our community.
Laramie Connections Center was born from facilitating volunteer opportunities which exposed certain areas of community service that could be enhanced by simply adding people's time, energy and resources. We now call these our "Gap Services" and they are intentional efforts to partner with other like minded organizations who strive to offer hope and care for those in need.
We hope this model of Christ-centered compassion will compel others the see people where they are and offer whatever resources they have to make this world a better place. With a great anticipation, we will continue to be aware of growing needs and look to successfully affect them through compassion, community & connections.
Laramie Connections Center is the official compassionate ministries center for the Rocky Mountain District of the Church of the Nazarene.