We should all catch our breath from time to time and take a note from our kids! The children's ministry at Emmaus Road Community Church here in Laramie is called the Kids Klubhouse. The Klubhouse is led by our dear friend, Pastor Gina Gibson.
A couple of years ago, Gina started challenging the Klubhouse kiddos to raise money during the school year for a local non-profit.
This year they choose to support Laramie Connections and our transportation outreach! We were BLOWN AWAY when they presented us with an incredible gift of $2,240!!!!! WOW...that's gonna help sooooo many people get where they need to be!
Then to top it off they were super amazing and actually prayed for us and our Director, Tim Snowbarger, right up front of the church service!
Pastor Gina said that they would like to challenge other children's ministries in Laramie to do the same. Discover a non-profit who's work inspires them and raise funds to support their mission too!
Thank you so much Kids Klubhouse! Your support means the world to us!